ManpowerGroup Sp. z o.o.

CNC Manager

Miejsce pracy: Kąty Wrocławskie

Manpower (Agencja zatrudnienia nr 412) to globalna firma o ponad 70-letnim doświadczeniu, działająca w 82 krajach. Na polskim rynku jesteśmy od 2001 roku i obecnie posiadamy prawie 35 oddziałów w całym kraju. Naszym celem jest otwieranie przed kandydatami nowych możliwości, pomoc w znalezieniu pracy odpowiadającej ich kwalifikacjom i doświadczeniu. Skontaktuj się z nami - to nic nie kosztuje, możesz za to zyskać profesjonalne doradztwo i wymarzoną pracę!

Job Tasks:

  • Managing a team of employees 
  • Recording of employees' working time 
  • Supervising the work of CNC machine operators and other employees in the machining department; recording working time
  • Planning and scheduling of production tasks
  • Ensuring optimization of production processes in order to increase efficiency
  • Maintaining and updating production documentation
  • Troubleshooting technical and organisational challenges related to production
  • Supervising the maintenance of machinery and equipment in the subordinate area 
  • Collaborating with other departments to achieve business objectives
  • Meet and execute production planning
  • Achieve production quality objectives


  • Experience in a similar position in the manufacturing industry min. 8 years
  • Proven track record of optimisation in the machining area in global corporation 
  • Very good knowledge of technical drawing
  • Ability to manage a team of employees min. 50
  • Knowledge of the English language  
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Communication skills, responsibility and commitment
  • Knowledge of machining technology
  • Knowledge of operation and programming of CNC machines 
  • Ability to work in a highly variable environment
  • Participation in CNC machine transfer projects – welcome

  • Stable employment based on an employment contract (contract signed directly with the company)
  • Opportunities for professional development and long-term cooperation
  • Salary (base + bonus + allowances) - dependent on experience/skills and length of service
  • Well-equipped workstation and expanding machinery park
  • Benefits: commuting allowance, prepaid card, private medical care, vacation subsidy
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