
Customer Service Consultant with German and English

ManpowerGroup Sp. z o.o.

Poznań, wielkopolskie

ManpowerGroup Sp. z o.o.

Customer Service Consultant with German and English

Miejsce pracy: Poznań

Manpower (Agencja zatrudnienia nr 412) to globalna firma o ponad 70-letnim doświadczeniu, działająca w 82 krajach. Na polskim rynku jesteśmy od 2001 roku i obecnie posiadamy prawie 35 oddziałów w całym kraju. Naszym celem jest otwieranie przed kandydatami nowych możliwości, pomoc w znalezieniu pracy odpowiadającej ich kwalifikacjom i doświadczeniu. Skontaktuj się z nami - to nic nie kosztuje, możesz za to zyskać profesjonalne doradztwo i wymarzoną pracę!

Work model: hybrid or remote

Job Responsibilities:

•    Handle and register inquiries from international clients via phone, email, or system, depending on the project.
•    Assist in resolving technical issues reported by clients efficiently and effectively.
•    Maintain consistent communication with clients, keeping them informed about the status of their inquiries.
•    Forward and escalate inquiries to appropriate departments when necessary.
•    Engage in direct communication with German-speaking clients.

Job Requirements:
•    Proficiency in German (both written and spoken).
•    Good knowledge of English.
•    Strong problem-solving skills with an analytical mindset.
•    Excellent communication and collaboration abilities, with a strong team-oriented approach.
•    A keen interest in working within the IT industry.

What We Offer:
•    A chance to gain valuable experience in an international IT company.
•    Employment contract with flexible work arrangements: hybrid model with only 5 days per month from the office
•    Comprehensive onboarding training for one month.
•    A benefits package that includes private health insurance, access to a benefits platform, language courses, a relocation bonus, and an additional day off on your birthday.

Please attach your CV to the application.

The offer applies to permament work. 
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