
Junior Accountant with German

L.M. Group Poland

Gdańsk, pomorskie

L.M. Group Poland
L.M. Group Poland
Jesteśmy międzynarodową agencją rekrutacyjną powstałą w 1987 roku w Izraelu, a obecną w Polsce od 2014 roku. Specjalizujemy się w rekrutacjach stałych oraz tymczasowych. Nasza siedziba zlokalizowana jest w Poznaniu, ponadto mamy oddziały w Warszawie, Gdańsku oraz we Wrocławiu

W związku z rozwojem struktur L.M. Group, poszukujemy osób gotowych kontynuować swoją karierę zawodową na stanowisku:

Junior Accountant with German

Miejsce pracy: Gdańsk

Key responsibilities:

  • Responsibility for providing services within selected business area (Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable or General Ledger)
  • Participation in knowledge transfer and new team set-up
  • Contact with external and internal clients
  • Participate in department projects
  • Identify potential process improvements
  • Preparing daily reconciliations, accounting, and processing work in accordance with policies and procedures
  • Performing monthly and periodic reconciliation and reporting requirements
  • Attendance in department projects


  • Master's Degree within Finance, Accountancy, Business or equivalent
    0,5 year of experience in accountancy role (preferably within SSC/BPO sector)
  • Good verbal and written communication skills in English and German language
  • Willingness to learn and develop already gained skills
  • Attention to details and perceptiveness

Our Client offers:

  • Opportunity to participate in international projects
  • Opportunity to learn and develop already gained skills
  • Challenging job in nice working atmosphere
  • Stable employment
  • Excellent work atmosphere
  • Very good salary and benefits package
  • Professional development
  • Remote work

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