
Księgowy / Księgowa

Talent Flow Sp. z o.o.

Gdańsk, pomorskie

Talent Flow Sp. z o.o.
Talent Flow jest Agencją Rekrutacyjną, która od początku wyznacza nową jakość na rynku rekrutacyjnym. Naszym zadaniem jest łączenie najlepszych Talentów z Pracodawcami, dbając o wysoki poziom realizowanych usług. Dzięki współpracy z najlepszymi, mamy na to szansę. Posiadamy wpis do Krajowego Rejestru Agencji Zatrudnienia nr 26456.

Księgowy / Księgowa

Miejsce pracy: Gdańsk

For the structures of our Client, an international service-oriented company, we are looking for an experienced individual for the position of Accountant.

Opis zadań

  • Providing accounting support for the company in accordance with Danish regulations.
  • Analyzing accounting entries and monitoring account balances.
  • Preparing journal entries and posting documentation.
  • Verifying the formal, substantive, and numerical correctness of accounting documents.
  • Settling domestic and international business trips.


  • At least 2 years of experience in accounting and taxes, with practical knowledge of these areas.
  • Proficiency in English at a B2 level (mandatory).
  • Higher education in accounting, finance, or a related field.
  • Ability to work independently, with strong attention to deadlines, accuracy, and responsibility.
  • Danish language skills and knowledge of Danish regulations are a plus.


  • Stable employment in an international organization based in Gdańsk.
  • On-site work with the option for occasional remote work.
  • Attractive benefits package, including private medical care, life insurance, a sports card, and development/training programs.
  • Annual bonuses based on performance and engagement.
  • Free parking for employees.
  • No dress code.
  • Quick recruitment process.
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Talent Flow Sp. z o.o.

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