ManpowerGroup Sp. z o.o.

Project Manager

Miejsce pracy: Warszawa

Manpower (Agencja zatrudnienia nr 412) to globalna firma o ponad 70-letnim doświadczeniu, działająca w 82 krajach. Na polskim rynku jesteśmy od 2001 roku i obecnie posiadamy prawie 35 oddziałów w całym kraju. Naszym celem jest otwieranie przed kandydatami nowych możliwości, pomoc w znalezieniu pracy odpowiadającej ich kwalifikacjom i doświadczeniu. Skontaktuj się z nami - to nic nie kosztuje, możesz za to zyskać profesjonalne doradztwo i wymarzoną pracę!

Job Tasks:

  • Plans and oversees projects to ensure they are completed in a timely fashion and within budget
  • Plans and designates project resources, monitors progress, and keeps stakeholders informed the entire way
  • Pipeline management of multisites
  • Receives input from the comercial area and designates resources;
  • Interacts with internal stakeholders/support areas: QAS, Financial, Purchasing and Logistics
  • Budgets and plans financially the project
  • Monitors schedule, and applies corrections when necessary
  • Guarantees the effectiveness of the solution and implementation and performs adjustments to the project when necessary
  • Comply with and enforce what is defined in the SGI
  • Promote the dissemination of the SGI Policy, as well as ensure the consolidation of an organizational culture oriented towards excellence
  • Collaborate in the identification and definition of continuous improvement strategies


  • University Degree in Electrotechnical Engineering or Renewable Energies
  • Project management
  • Construction experience (valued)
  • Proactivity
  • Teamwork
  • Planning and Organization
  • Stakeholder management


  • Employment based on an employment contract
  • Attractive salary dependent on experience and skills
  • Work in a dynamic, international team in a company associated with renewable energy sources
  • Possibility of hybrid work
  • Benefits package: private medical care, Multisport card, group insurance
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