
Senior HR Business Partner - rekrutacja online


Siedlce, mazowieckie


On behalf of a global manufacturing company, with over 1,000 employees in Poland, we are looking for a competent and dedicated person for the position.

Senior HR Business PartnerMiejsce pracy: Siedlce

Main responsibilities:

  • Implementation of the HR strategy in the areas of learning & development, recruitment, employer branding, employee engagement & performance management, talent management and succession
  • Active participation in creating and executing training programs
  • Diagnosing and solving personnel problems 
  • Analysis of personnel costs and HR reporting
  • Monitoring and analysis of key HR indicators 
  • Creating and optimizing HR processes in close cooperation with the Head of HR and Administration

Key requirements:

  • Experience as an HR Business Partner in a manufacturing company
  • Practical experience in employee evaluation processes, competency models, comp & ben, succession planning, creating and implementing development plans, training and talent programs etc.
  • Higher education degree
  • Good knowledge of labor law regulations
  • Dynamic, proactive approach to problem and conflict solving
  • Ability to build good relationships at different levels of the organization
  • Good command of English 

The company offers:

  • Contract of employment
  • Competitive salary and comprehensive benefits
  • Multiple opportunities for professional development
  • Remote work one up to two days a week 
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